Before you proceed to download the game or mod, please read the following healthy gameplay tips from us:
Playing games on your computer or in video game consoles like PlayStation, Nintendo, Sega, Xbox, and more, for some people, it is a fun and enjoyable activity. Behind it all, playing games can have a bad impact, although there is also a good side.
Well, to get the most out of the impact and minimize the bad effect of the gameplay, it's worth reading the following tips and tricks:
1. Limit Game Playtime
When it is good to play games, usually people forget the time to stop and do other useful activities. At the beginning of the game, you set the time for about one or two hours. If you need to install an alarm clock to know the time limit.
Playing games can have a bad impact on our body because the brain is the full concentration on the game will ignore important activities or needs of the body such as eating, drinking, worship, bathing, sleep, rest, exercise, socializing, and so forth. Sometimes people are just aware after playing games is feeling dizzy.
2. Don't play endless games
Try, pick a game that doesn't make us addicted to play it for months and years and spend a lot of time playing it to produce a good match.
Of course, it will restrict us to know other new games, keep curious, and can sometimes feel embarrassed if the status of the game account that we play has low results compared to other gamers. It would be good if we used the time for other activities.
3. Avoid challenging games that lure emotions
Challenging games sometimes make us annoyed, and finally, emotions and anger are not evident. They can be targeted if they are longer and can be slammed, beaten, trampled, and various other violent acts.
Not only the console machine or computer PC/laptop, only that so damaged. The hands, feet, and body can also be sick when committing violent acts on sharp and dense dead objects. Stop playing the game if it's emotional and watch Tevé instantly to dampen the rage.
4. Play a brain-sharpening Game
Many games can improve our brain thinking skills, such as puzzle games, case games, memory games, strategy games, and so on. There is also a fun game that can entertain us while playing it.
Analyze the game you are playing, whether it can make a positive impact, and can give entertainment or thinking skills. If it doesn't provide anything, it means that the game just wasted your time.
5. Encourage others to play with
Playing games is much better than playing alone. By inviting friends, family, neighbors, girlfriends, and so on, playing games, we will strengthen our relationship with others. As long as the game is played, it is suitable to play together.
The game alone will eliminate our social souls and can reduce our number of friends over time. Friends acquaintances from playing online games are not real friends because that person could be, dishonest on us. Real-life friends are far more valuable than virtual friends.
6. Don't waste your money
Love your money and should be saved for future provisions and to watch out when you don't have money. Calculate all expenses from playing games, such as transport, electricity, internet access, food, beverage, pay-rent, etc.
Also, calculate the time value that you waste-free to play the game if that time you are wearing it for the resulting activity.
Some people like to play games to chase ticket prizes/coupons to redeem a reward that is much lower than the money we have spent on playing games. Calculate the long-term savings you can make if all of the money you collect.
7. Care for your body
If a game makes us giddy because of a gaming perspective that doesn't fit our brain's abilities, stop it and don't play again. Create what we play games but make our bodies become sick.
Essentially we need to know the limits of our body resistance to existing games. Don't play too many games that are not good for our body.
If you are a professional gamer, consider following an insurance program to guarantee your future.